Acceptable hydrocarbon levels in municipal water supplies including surface water and groundwater are typically set at very low levels.
Treatment processes can be damaged by hydrocarbons or allow them to pass through undetected. Continuous monitoring of water source intakes can prevent system contamination and subsequent damage. Accurate, low maintenance monitoring systems such as the TD-4100 XD and XDC have been protecting water intakes worldwide for over 20 years.
Naturally occurring organics in raw water are typically treated with chemicals. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analyzers in the water treatment system can alert technicians when generic organic material is present but cannot differentiate between natural organics, such as algae or decomposed plant matter and hydrocarbons. Using UV fluorescence technology, a properly configured TD-4100XD can alert operators to upsets caused by hydrocarbons such as petrol, diesel and fuel oil.
A fluorescence monitor can be configured for sensitivity to hydrocarbons, with reduced response to other organics. The TD-4100XDC has the highest sensitivity to hydrocarbons in raw water, has a low cost of ownership, and can be modified with Teflon, Monel, and other corrosion-resistant materials for seawater environments. For raw water intakes, the TD-4100XDC can measure hydrocarbons in the range of 0.0 to 0.1 ppm for diesel and is sensitive to BTEX, fuels, PAH, and other hydrocarbons. The fluorescence measurement is instant, continuous, and direct with no chemicals, reagents, or sample conditioning. Local technicians can perform all regular maintenance and calibrations.
The flexible optical arrangement of the TD4100XDC reduces the response to naturally occurring organics in the water, without sacrificing hydrocarbon sensitivity.
In the “Contamination Warning Systems” chapter of Security and Emergency Planning for Water and Waste Water Utilities, the American Water Works Association has recognized the TD-4100 series monitors as a method for detection BTEX and dissolved Fuels in Drinking Water Intake.
The TD-4100XDC includes some important features for reducing the cost of ownership, such as field-replaceable components. Unlike other fluorescence monitors, the TD-4100 series of monitors can be fully maintained in the field, including field calibration. Further, a unique “cell condition monitor” verifies that the optical system is clean, and alerts the operator if cleaning is needed. A calibration check solution is provided with each instrument to inject into the monitor and verify that the measurement is correct. Monitoring history is displayed on the monitor screen, and all diagnostic data, including calibration values, can be accessed through the USB port or the Ethernet connection for quick, remote troubleshooting.
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